Are you overwhelmed by pharmacy school?

Drowning in information, and struggling to memorize everything for your exams?

You're not alone—and it’s not your fault. Most of us were never taught effective learning techniques. What if there’s a better way to study smarter, save time, and boost your confidence?

Many pharmacy students struggle with the same frustrations:

• Spending countless hours on coursework only to see disappointing results
• Feeling constantly behind and stressed
• Relying on last-minute cramming sessions that leave you exhausted rather than prepared

Introducing Smart Study Skills for Future Pharmacists

Smart Study Skills for Future Pharmacists is an innovative online course designed to transform your study habits. By enrolling, you will gain access to a step-by-step system that combines evidence-based learning techniques with practical tools tailored specifically for pharmacy students.

With Smart Study Skills, you'll be able to:

  • Walk into exams confident and well-prepared.

  • Enjoy study sessions that are focused and effective.

  • Recall information with ease and apply it to real-world scenarios.

What's Included?

  • Engaging video lessons on effective learning strategies.

  • Practical activities to apply high-yield techniques.

  • Guidance on maintaining wellness while studying.

Meet Dr. Katura Bullock

Hello, I’m Dr. Katura Bullock, a clinical pharmacist and educator with a passion for helping students like you succeed in pharmacy school and beyond. Having been in your shoes as a student and then as a faculty member, I understand the unique challenges you face. I created this course because I saw too many students struggling with outdated and ineffective study methods. My goal is to provide you with the tools and strategies that are backed by research and proven to work, so you can study smarter, not harder, and achieve the success you deserve.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Aboard

    2. Navigating the Course

    3. Unveiling the Science of Learning

    4. Why Pharmacy is Unique

    5. An Invitation to Transformation

    1. Effort Over Intelligence

    2. The Power of Metacognition

    3. Growth Mindset

    1. Mastering Time

    2. Mastering the Art of the Calendar

    3. Understanding the Forgetting Curve

    1. Understanding the Forgetting Curve

    2. Understanding the Forgetting Curve

    1. The PARR Learning Cycle

    2. Preparing for Classes

    3. Engaging in Lectures

    4. In-Class Participation

    5. Note-taking

    1. Reviewing

    2. The Reinforce Phase

    3. Metacognitive Monitoring Method

About this course

  • $89.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Who Smart Study Skills is For

This course is designed for pharmacy students at any stage of their educational journey who are looking to improve their study habits and academic performance. Whether you are just starting your first semester or preparing for your licensing exams, this course will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to succeed. It's perfect for students who:

  • Struggle with retaining information and need a more effective way to study.

  • Feel overwhelmed by the volume of coursework and want to manage their time more efficiently.

  • Are tired of last-minute cramming and want to reduce exam anxiety.

  • Seek a balanced approach to study that incorporates both high performance and wellness.

  • Desire a long-term strategy for lifelong learning and success in the pharmacy profession.

Take the first step toward transforming your study habits to achieve academic excellence.
Enroll in Smart Study Skills for Future Pharmacists today!

Really Great Questions

  • How much time will I need to dedicate to this course?

    The course is designed to be flexible and fit into your busy schedule.The entire course includes seven modules (each with multiple lessons). If you were to sit down and go through it from start to finish, it would take approximately 2 hours. However, the real value comes from applying the techniques to your studies, which you can do at your own pace.

  • Do I need any special materials to take this course?

    No special materials are needed! The course provides all the resources you need, including the Study Skills Manual and practical exercises. All you need is a computer or mobile device to access the online course content.

  • I’m already a good student. Will this course benefit me?

    Absolutely! Even if you're already performing well, this course can help you optimize your study techniques and manage your time more efficiently, allowing you to achieve even better results with less effort. It also covers wellness strategies that can enhance your overall well-being, which is crucial for long-term success.

  • How is this course different from other study skills courses?

    This course is specifically tailored for pharmacy students and uses evidence-based strategies that are proven to work in rigorous academic settings. It's not just about learning theory but applying practical techniques that you can immediately integrate into your study routine. Plus, the focus on wellness sets it apart by ensuring you're not just studying effectively but also maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

  • What is the return policy for Smart Study Skills?

    Since Smart Study Skills and the bonuses are digital products that are delivered immediately, we are not able to provide refunds. Please read the description carefully to ensure you understand what Bootcamp entails. If you have any questions about Smart Study Skills before you enroll, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

  • Can I access the course content anytime?

    Yes! Once you enroll, you have lifetime access to the course content, so you can revisit the lessons and materials as often as you need. This means you can always refresh your skills and strategies whenever necessary, at any point in your pharmacy career.

  • How soon can I start the course after purchasing?

    Immediately! Once you sign up, you’ll get instant access to all course materials and can start transforming your study habits right away. Don’t let outdated study methods hold you back any longer. Take control of your education and set yourself up for success in pharmacy school and beyond. Enroll in Smart Study Skills for Future Pharmacists today and start your journey to academic excellence!